作者:本站來源:國際學校大全網(wǎng)時間:2017-08-16 14:42:19
The Fire Drill is needed to practice, the firefighting knowledge needs to remember!
6月20日下午, 一陣急促的火警警報聲拉開了“消防演練”活動的帷幕。
On the 20th of June,the school fire alarm signalling the beginning of the WUIS fire drill.
聽到警報聲后,全校師生立即到達指定崗位:教師帶領學生彎著腰、貓著步,捂住口鼻, 指導學生快速疏散,沿著學校指定路線有序撤離到學校操場的安全地帶。
After hearing the alarm sound, all teachers and students gathered to the appointed place. Teachers guided students, crouching down and covering their mouths and noses, along the route to evacuate to the school safe area.
消防疏散路線 Evacuation Route
After teachers and students arrived at the playground, each homeroom teacher counted students' numbers and then reported to the chief commander regarding any students who were injured or not. Then the fire drill started.
Two fire engines and one ladder truck stop in campus. Xi'shan District Fire Chief introduces firefighting knowledge, simulated firefighting. Fireman also shows us rescuing the trapped staff.
After that, Mr. Zhou made a summary of this fire drill, and meanwhile he gave us a speech about fire escape and emergency measures.
This fire drill was completed successfully. Students strengthened their sense of safety. Some abstract concepts became practical exercises. All teachers and students got to know the basic measures of fire, it greatly enhanced the safety awareness and self-care skills, and also strengthened the school safety education work. This fire drill laid a solid foundation for our "safe and harmonious campus".
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